Middle Eastern Sweet Potato Wraps
This Middle Eastern Sweet Potato Wraps recipe is reproduced from Green Kitchen at Home by David Frenkiel and Luise Vindahl (Hardie Grant, £25) Photography by David Frenkiel . Read my review of Green Kitchen at Home here A word from David & Luise . . . "We didn’t grow up eating sweet potatoes, as they have only become popular in Scandinavia during the last decade. But we sure are making up for it now. Roasted sweet potato slices are on weekly rotation in our home and we use them in a variety of recipes – tucking them into salads, mixing them with cooked lentils as a hearty dinner, placing them inside mayo sandwiches, or in wraps like this one here. The boiled eggs make it a more substantial meal; dates, pomegranate, feta add a burst of flavours and lettuce and cucumber keep it light and fresh. A green smoothie (page 63) is the perfect accompaniment.